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Multi-purpose, copperbased anti-seize compoundPrevents sticking or seizing of parts subjected to high temperatures like spark plugs, back of disc brake pads, heat exchangers and exhaust manifold boltsApplication range: -40 degrees F to +2,190 degrees FAll items are sold individually unless specifically described otherwise in the product description
You will find real-life experiences and opinions voiced by people about a wide range of Motorex Copper Anti-Seize Paste. Read reviews of Motorex Copper Anti-Seize Paste from hundreds of users, plus ratings, advice and prices to help you pick the right products for you.
The latest discount on Motorex Copper Anti-Seize Paste . The best quality and price on Motorex Copper Anti-Seize Paste Now Available In Stock & Super Save Shipping in USA. Get it now on sale for a cheap deal: Limit Time Offer.
Technical Details
- Special copper paste designed to prevent seizing- Has silencing properties, resists oxidization, offers protections from corrosion, has good adhesion, is resistant to salt water, and has extremely good thermal stability
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